Tuesday, August 31, 2021


 Once upon a time ...

There was a thriving and active blogging community - on Blogger and on WordPress, and perhaps some other platform, as well.  We shared our stories and our ideas.  

We were gardening and raising livestock (many of us on really small pieces of property).  We were learning skills that would help us survive in, what we believed would be, a powered down society.  We were homeschooling.  We were empowering ourselves and our families.  

We shared our lives in a way that isn't done or isn't possible on other social media platforms.  

In the last several years, since I shutdown Surviving the Suburbs, my previous blog, I have lost contact with most of those wonderful people and their amazing and inspiring stories. 

I'm hoping to rebuild that community.

If you have a favorite - active - blog, please comment below.  I would love to add to my reading list (see lower right hand corner ... you may have to scroll a bit).  


  1. Hey Wendy thanks for dropping by my blog! Nice to see you there and hope you could do a tour of some of your Home Spaces that you use for food production, kitchen, etc?

    1. I can, definitely, make that happen. You will be very surprised, I think, to see that my space is REALLY small ;). Give me a couple of days to get some photos up.

    2. Sure, we have a small space too, I'm always looking for ideas!

  2. Here's some I really like-

    Hope that helps!

    1. Thank you so much! Adding them to my reading list ;).

  3. And http://pioneerwomanatheart.blogspot.com/

  4. So many blogs from "back in the day" are now inactive - it's encouraging to see someone else trying to rebuild our community. I'll have to go through my old reading list and see who is even still posting. I know I haven't for the longest time, but part of that is hesitancy due to a family/privacy issue. I'm leaving Instagram soon though and planned to get back to blogging. I'll just watch what I say - I suppose what protects me from that person will automatically help with the PERSEC one should keep up online anyway.

    All that aside, the one blog other than yours that stays fairly active and I go to every week is The Prudent Homemaker. Every Monday(ish, if her schedule allows) she posts a frugal living post. I enjoy the comments just as much as her actual posts, because there is such a great community built up there. I think part of the draw is seeing the many ways people come up with extra income or eliminate costs, but the other part is that many have begun sharing about shortages in their area since spring 2020. It helps get a finger on the pulse across the country and even worldwide as she has readers in Australia and across Europe. (http://www.theprudenthomemaker.com is her site.)

    1. I think you've mentioned this site before, and I think I have it stored ... somewhere. Thanks for the reminder!
